For offensive cartoon

BertramsAfter the Charlie Hebdo massacre of 12 staff members by offended Muslim terrorists, they stopped insulting the paedophile prophet Mohammed, but apparently, they are still telling the truth about Muslims on their cover page.

The Local (h/t Maria J)  Charlie Hebdo staff have been threatened with a new attack following the publication of their latest edition. The cover of the controversial satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo features a naked man and woman running towards the shoreline of a beach.  The man’s penis can be seen through his long beard, and the woman is totally naked except for her veil over he head and shoulders.  The caption reads “The reform of Islam: Muslims, loosen up” or “Musulmans decoincez vous.”

Par RISS pour @Charlie_Hebdo_

*C'est également valable pour les autres.

The issue was released on Wednesday, and quickly drew threats on the Facebook page of the publication. Charlie Hebdo staff reported the matter to the police, according to Le Parisien newspaper

The magazine’s writers continue to work under heavy police protection ever since terrorists carried out an attack on the publication in January last year, killing 12 people, most of them workers at the magazine. The attackers claimed it was revenge for the magazine’s controversial drawings of the Prophet Mohammed, which is forbidden under Muslim law.

Apparently, leftist media in America support the Muslim terrorists:
