ISIS extremists throw Syrian man from top of building for being gay
ARA News
ERBIL ــ The extremist group of Islamic State (ISIS) threw a young man off the top of a building in Manbij city in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo for being gay, accusing him of “sodomy”, local sources reported on Saturday. 
Local activists confirmed that the man was arrested by the group’s Hisba police on charges of homosexuality and was barbarically thrown from the top of a building in central Manbij.
Speaking to ARA News in Manbij, media activist Nasser Taljbini said that ISIS extremists have sentenced the man to death by throwing him from the top of a building in the city [Manbij], after accusing him of sodomy.
“The man was thrown brutally by ISIS masked members from the top of the building in the city,” Taljbini reported, pointing out “the corpse of the victim was transferred to an unknown destination.”
“The barbaric execution took place in front of hundreds of people,” Taljbini told ARA News.
Before the execution, ISIS called on the residents in Manbij to gather near a building under construction on the road to Aleppo west of the city. An ISIS Sharia member read the verdict against the “unidentified” victim, according to eyewitnesses, who spoke to ARA News on condition of anonymity.
“Throwing gays this way will cleanse their sins” according to ISIS Sharia Court.
“The young man was taken by the masked militants to the top of the building and threw him blindfolded,” an eyewitness said. 
Under the banner “Do not reach Allah’s boundaries”, the ISIS-linked Media Center in Aleppo released a new propaganda footage for the execution of the Syrian man, showing pictures of the execution’s stages.
Last October, the terror group had executed two Iraqi civilians in the northwestern Iraqi city of Mosul for being gay. The ISIS militants brutally threw the two young men off a building’s roof under the pretext they were a “gay couple”. 
The ISIS-linked Sharia Court had issued a decision to execute every gay man by throwing him from the top of a building, according to eyewitnesses.
The extremist group has executed dozens of allegedly gay men in its areas of control in Syria and Iraq.
Reporting by: Salar Qassim
Source: ARA News
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